© Tauchen am Attersee
Taucher am Attersee

Rebreather and Technical Diving

More and more divers discover the advantages of silent diving using rebreathers.

A rebreather processes used air, i.e. it extracts toxic carbon monocide using a filter and adds vital oxygen. Basically, all rebreathers are built the same way, they only differ in the way they add oxygen. One of the most important advantages is the efficient use of diving gas as a diver needs significantly less gas than using an open system which is also very important when exploring wrecks or caves. A rebreather hardly produces any bubbles which is quite beneficial for photographers as animals are often scared by the bubbles and their noise. Ideal diving gas.

An eCCR is actually more of a gas mix station if you take a closer look at it: it rovides the ideal diving gas for any depth. However, rebreathers also have disadvantages: The complex technology requires thorough preparation and handling of the equipment. Nowadays, rebreathers are not complicated or dangerous anymore. What is necessary though, is qualified and adequate training as well as being able to realistically judge your own skills.

Tech diving used to describe diving beyond the limits of recreational scuba diving. Over time, this has changed and nowadays tech-specific gear such as mixed gas, wing BCDs and double tanks are more and more appreciated within recreational diving.

One thing that has not changed is the fact that – apart from the equipment – you need thorough training and experience on how to handle the equipment when it comes to deep and challenging dives.

Just like scuba diving training, tech diving training has different courses and levels. The clear water and daylight reaching down unusually deep provide amazing conditions at Lake Attersee.

Contact Details

Tauchkompetenzzentrum Attersee
Chairman Günter Oberschmid
Franz von Schönthanallee 6
A-4854 Weißenbach am Attersee

Phone +43 7663 610
Fax machine +43 7663 610
E-Mail office@nixe.at
Web www.atterseediving.com