Just one step out of the door and you may find several hikingtours! From the Berggasthof Danter it takes only 10 minutes to go to the viewing tower "Attergauer Aussichtsturm" where you have an astonishing view over the Salzkammergut- mountainarea.
Wednesday till Sunday 11:30 am to 14 pm & 17:30 -20:30 pm
11 am to 2 pm & 5 to 8 pm
From Salzburg via the A1 - exit St. Georgen im Attergau - continue right on the Attergaustrasse L540 towards the centre.
From Vienna/Linz via the A1 - exit St. Georgen im Attergau - continue right on the Attergaustrasse L540 towards the centre of town
From the west - Bad Ischl - Weißenbachtal (B153) - continue on B152 to Unterach - then on B151 to Attersee- continue on L540 to St. Georgen im Attergau
At the end of St. Georgen turn left to Straß im Attergau.
By train:
Coming from Salzburg or Linz/Vienna with the "Österreichische Bundesbahnen" or the "Westbahn" to Attnang-Puchheim, continue with the regional train to Vöcklamarkt to St. Georgen im Attergau.
Arrival in Salzburg or Linz/Vienna, continue by car/bus or train.
Somewhat suitable for wheelchairs: Assistance is sometimes necessary. The measurements do not (fully) conform to the legally stipulated ÖNORM.
Legal contact information
Berggasthof Danter