10 Commandments for Sport Divers
- We protect the nature and keep the waters clean.
- We respect the rightful interests of others, we recognize their need for relaxation, and we actively participate in getting along with one another in the waters.
- We do not take anything with us – except for our wonderful memories.
- We do not leave anything behind – except air bubbles.
- We use the designated entry points and at no point do we wade through reed zones or other biotopes.
- We observe zones that are off-limits as well as spawn-protection periods, and we respect local advice.
- We always practice good buoyancy, and if possible, we avoid any and all contact with the lake floor.
- We recognize and respect our own limits, and we do not try to convince others to exceed their own personal limits.
- We always follow rules regarding general diving safety, especially those concerning depth limits, adequate training as well as maintenance and care oft he equipment.
- We never dive alone and we take safety stops during every dive.
More information? Here you will find all Diving Entries on Lake Attersee!
Contact & Service
Tourismusverband Attersee-AttergauAttergaustraße 55
4880 St. Georgen im Attergau
Phone +43 7666 7719-0
E-Mail info@attersee.at
Web www.attersee-attergau.at/en