© Credit: TVB Attersee-Attergau/Johanna Kiebler, Model pile dwelling village
Model of a pile dwelling village at lake Attersee

Pile dwelling sites – underwater adventures

Lake Attersee boasts a diving attraction unique in Austria: The prehistoric pile dwellings listed as UNESCO World Heritage come to life.

Divers know about the unique underwater world of Lake Attersee. 150,000 dives every year and 30,000 overnight stays of divers are impressive proof of this.

Nußdorf am Attersee attracts divers with its forest of piles. 111 piles have been stuck into the bottom of the lake to symbolise the 111 listed pile dwelling settlements around the Alps. The piles are set up in a way to represent a boardwalk and a fence, taking up architectural elements of the prehistoric settlements. Numerous 3D prints on the piles show finds from countries which have a share in the UNESCO World Heritage.

The following photo gallery can be navigated with the arrow keys (left, right).

At the diving site ‘Hinkelsteine’ (menhirs) in Steinbach am Attersee, a group of life-sized figures representing settlers from the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age were installed.
At the diving site ‘Dixi’ in Weyregg am Attersee, an abstraction of a pile dwelling house and a series of information boards can be discovered.

Thanks to a 360° panorama and a 3D documentary, also those who stay on the shore will be able to get an idea of the new attractions, which have sparked the curiosity of the media as well. The famous nature film producer is planning an episode on the pile dwellings for the next ORF III documentary series ‘Wilde Reise‘.

The project directed by the head of the regional tourism association Christian Schirlbauer, became possible thanks to funds provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism and the Federal State of Upper Austria with a view to the Upper Austrian regional exhibition 2027 (Landesausstellung).

The conceptual design of the new diving attractions was developed together with the Kuratorium Pfahlbauten, UNESCO World Heritage prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps in Austria and the diving centre Tauchkompetenzzentrum Attersee.

Contact & Service

Tourismusverband Attersee-Attergau
Attergaustraße 55
4880 St. Georgen im Attergau

Phone +43 7666 7719-0
E-Mail info@attersee.at
Web www.attersee-attergau.at/en